The cosmos doesn't need a language.
By 2084, Thelites have designed the perfect society. They finally have virtual, scientific models for everything. They live and work in harmonious, anxiety-free, blissful happiness running models to guarantee safety and equality for everyone. They want more than anything to bring these benefits to the Proles. Soon! If only the Proles would believe...
Meet Julianna, a passionate scientist, who is tasked with plotting infinitesimally small stellar threats to mankind hundreds of years in the future. She loves her life as a Thelite. But when her father dies unexpectedly, she discovers secrets about him, about herself, that begin to unravel the fabric of her beliefs...

Joel E. Lorentzen grew up on a small farm in eastern Iowa. Joel’s family of seven lived the life of the rural working poor, saved by the stubborn resolve of parents who refused to give up. A scholarship permitted his Iowa State University education as an engineer, but his elective choices were literature and creative writing. He later obtained an MBA from the University of Iowa. Joel travelled the world extensively as an automation engineer for over 36 years. Along the way, he invested in a variety of private manufacturing companies which he continues to serve as a consultant, permitting his self-identified occupation as semi-retired.
Long plane rides and airport layovers served his passion for reading and writing. His background provided a distinct sense of the travails and resilience of working people, those he recognizes as the ones whose efforts really make the world go.